Thursday, August 14, 2014

Step 4 of Going Natural

Step 4: homemade toothpaste!
I challenge you to go to your bathroom and read the caution on your toothpaste tube. Well if you don't want to get up and read it I'll tell you what the majority of them say: "If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away." Isn't that just crazy. Well, I decided to make my own and it's......
Super easy
Super cheap
And healthy. 
No junk added in it
Why not try it?
Here's the recipe.....
2 tbsp coconut oil
6 tbsp baking soda
10 drops peppermint oil
1/2 tsp unrefined salt
Mix all the ingredients together and put in a container. It doesn't taste amazing but it does the job and it whitens your teeth!