Saturday, November 9, 2013

Pear Butter Recipe

There are pear trees from the same property that we have all our apple trees. Chet had picked pears a couple weeks ago and I had them sitting on our counter for a while. I didn't know what to do with all of them and was about to throw them away when I got the idea I can make pear butter. It's very similar to making apple butter. 
So I started the lovely process of making pear butter and got a recipe from a family friend. I peeled and skinned 20 small pears, cut them up in quarter slices, cut out the core and seeds and let them cook in a big pot with a little bit of water. I cooked them for about 20 minutes until they were like moosh. Then I put them in my Ninja blender and blended until very smooth with no clumps. I put the pear sauce back in the pan and cooked them on low with 1/2 cup oranje juice, a little bit of nutmeg, 1 tsp cinnamon and three cups of sugar. I stirred occassionaly and cooked for another 30-40 minutes until the sauce was thick. 
In the meantime I boiled my mason jars amd lids to sterilize them. Once the pear butter was done I had to taste it, of course, and then put them in the mason jars, and placed them back in the bioling water to seal for about 10 minutes. And there you have it, homemade pear butter. I had some left over and refrigerated it and have been putting it on toast and even cottage cheese. It's so yummy! And works as a great gift.