Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Summers in Montana

Summers are always packed full, very busy but amazing at the same time.....because family comes! I had my brother, Christain, come for a week and it was awesome. We had so much fun doing all the outdoor activities. Then my dad, em and Lexi came the weekend Christian was here and we hiked, went on the boat at the lake and floated the river. It couldn't have been any better. Well, unless Court was here but she comes in just 8 days and I can't wait.
Then a week in a half later my mom and Ron came for a week and we filled it with tons of fun activities. One of which was finding out the sex of baby Todd and having a revealing dinner party. We went to my 19 week ultrasound appointment and the technician put it an envelope and that night Michelle wrapped the appropiate sex outfit and Chet and I opened the gift box and it was a BOY outfit! We are so happy and thrilled!!