Saturday, August 11, 2012

~ Visiting Texas, Stocking Up and Working it Off ~

Last weekend Nick and I went down to Texas to visit my Mom and Ron. It was my Mom's Birthday, so what a perfect time to visit. It is a 5-6 hour drive depending on traffic and how many stops we make, so not a short drive, but totally worth it.

Happy Birthday Mom!
she is so pretty

Once we arrived, we hit up one of our favorite BBQ places, the Railhead. Yum Yum Yum! They have great BBQ. The Jalapeno Cheese Sausage is one of my favorite things to eat. Amazing. The vibe at this place it great too, they have a restaurant, bar and live music.  I wish we had a place like this close to our house.

the boys
silly boys

On Saturday we had to make a few stops at our favorite stores that we do not have in Oklahoma: Trader Joes, Justin Boot Outlet and Cost Plus World Market.

We stocked up at all three places and I think we did pretty good.

Trader Joes has the most amazing snacks (not so healthy but super yummy). We got Powerberries, Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Pretzels, Sea Salt Caramels, Wine, Beer and a few other things. I miss Trader Joes and Cost Plus.

The rest of Saturday and Sunday were spent with the family and Ron and Mom's house. We had such a great time. My mom always feeds us well. We had this amazing breakfast on Sunday (including an overnight french toast recipe that Corynne will post soon). It was awesome.

here is the breakfast spread 

My mom will not like that I posted this picture, because we had to use a throw away tin pan for the french toast casserole (since all her other ones were in use) and it didn't look pretty. She is silly, since everything else looked amazing.

Now that I have all these yummy snacks and ate all this great food, I will have to work out a little extra to not gain any weight. I found this workout through pinterest a while back and it is awesome. For days when I do not have time to go to the gym, but I want to get some exercise in at home, I will do this in the house and add in some more arm exercises. Try it! She's Got Legs Workout