Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hot hot hot I stay inside to decorate my bathroom!

It has been really really hot. 

I mean really hot, I took this snapshot of my phone today around 3pm.

 I am ready for it to be over.

Since it is so hot... 

I play with Dixie indoors.

Exercise indoors.

Watch a lot of TV at night, because I do not want to be out on the patio. 

Even the little froggie found a cooler place to hang out–in my basil plant. He knows I water it everyday. What a smart little guy.

And I find projects to work on indoors like decorating the bathroom (powder room) downstairs that has been empty since we moved in. I like the few additions I made and I might add a few more things down the road, but this will do for now.
I really hope it cools down soon, until then, I will keep finding projects around the house to keep indoors.

- Court -