Saturday, June 28, 2014

A note about my pregnancy!

Court here. The past few months have been truly amazing. I am overjoyed that the Lord has blessed us with a baby growing quickly inside my belly. It is such an amazing experience that I hope every woman (who wants to) can experience some day!

It has been such a relief and joy to tell family and friends our exciting news. We kept it quiet for 13 weeks, which was really tough for me.

Here is how we told my Mom and Ron the news, we sent them this picture. For those of you who do not know, they have a special relationship with Shiloh (on the left) because she is their dog Chloe's baby. My mom pretty much raised Shiloh for the first 12 weeks! 
So this picture seemed appropriate. 

Now that the news is out, I get random texts from family and friends, like this from my dad. I love it! Thanks dad, we will need to remember this. 

Here is our little baby at 12 weeks 1 day. We love him/her already!

Oh and I cried at my first ultrasound. It was an amazing experience and weird. So weird. It's happening.

Right now I am 15 weeks and the baby is the size of a large naval orange. Wow! Its crazy that there is something growing inside of me, the size of an orange and I cannot feel it. Pants have just begun to feel a little snug around the waist, but most everything still fits. I am excited to have a cute belly to show off, but until then I just have this little pudge. But it's a cute pudge.

So how has my pregnancy been so far?
Overall I would say pretty good. I am sooooo thankful that I have not had much morning sickness. There were a few weeks (weeks 8-11) where food sounded gross and I was nauseous in the evening, but nothing terrible.

I continue to workout and do even more yoga now, which has been helpful with some back pain. I'm trying to eat healthy, but vegetables just hardly ever sound good. But I eat them anyway, because I know how good they are for me and baby. Plus, we are starting to harvest lots of veggies from our garden (that will be another post soon).

I'm tired and I love my sleep. I'm just trying to get as much in as possible before December arrives.

Cravings so far include sour gummy candy -- great for you, right?

Nick has been amazing and supportive. He is always looking out for me, making sure I am resting and he taking care of things around the house I cannot do (like poison the weeds -- I hate weeds). I love when he rubs my belly and prays over the baby.

A bit overwhelming. 
This past week I started looking at nursery furniture, strollers, monitors, etc. And WOW! It is overwhelming. There is so much stuff out there and the prices vary soooooo much. I wonder if the more expensive car seat is safer or is it just some fancy brand that drives the price up?!?!?  There is so much to figure out, but I know that I have tons of friends with kiddos who have already gone through this process, so that is reassuring.

Lastly, our little Shiloh is no longer going to be the baby in the family. Here is a picture of her with Nick. Shiloh was convinced that there was a tennis ball sitting on top of a speaker so Nick had to lift her up to prove there was nothing there. It was quite comical.
I hope you enjoyed my update!