Thursday, May 15, 2014

Crafty Thursday....Wooden Pallet

DIY Pallet Wall Decor

We bought a home, remodeled almost everything in just three months and moved in when I was 36 weeks pregnant. It was a crazy chapter in our life. Well, we were on a budget and our main wall in the family room was empty. We needed something big to fill the space and I didn't want to go and buy something. So I searched on pinterest and got crafty. I used the pallet our couch was delivered on, which I'm so glad I saved. Anyways, I stained it with a dark walnut stain and then Chet screwed leftover wood floor pieces on each shelf of the pallet so I could hang pictures. We made sure it was compeltely dry and then screwed it in the wall. Having the shelves make it nice and easy to decorate. I love our new wall piece and the best part is it was free (well for the most part). :-)