Friday, February 22, 2013

Fish Fudge...Homemade doggy treats

As you know we got a puppy right before Christmas, Reagan. He is a black lab and is almost four months old. He's so adorable, energetic, crazy at times, lovable, and mischievous. Just yesterday I brought him in town with him because he had to go to the vet. Afterwards, I went grocery shopping and had to make two stops. After I did my first half of the grocery shopping I then went to Costco and left him in the car. Well.....bad idea when I have a ton of food in the back of the car. So I came back with a cart full of food and find Reagan sitting in the back of the car eating cinnamon bread. He decided to eat ten of the twelve pieces of cinnamon bread while I was grocery shopping. It was supposed to be for a breakfast recipe for the B&B guests, and now I need to go back to the grocery store and buy more. I couldn't believe he did that! Needless to say, that ended up being his dinner and I hope he learned his lesson.
On to the recipe. A coworker of mine makes all his own doggy treats and he gave the recipes to me. I made fish fudge, which was so easy and Reagan goes crazy over them (so does Gus, my in-laws dog). I made it in a 9x12 pan and cut them in little squares. I keep three pieces in the fridge at a time and the rest I freeze. They don't last longer than four days in the fridge. If you have a dog and have five extra minutes then try this treat recipe for your dog. It's healthy and has a 1/4 if the ingredients and junk most treats have.
2 cans salmon, drained

6 eggs
1/2 C flour. I us wheat flour. Or you could use oat or rice flour
1/2 C cheese. Any kind works. I used shredded cheese
Mix it all together and put in a greased 9x12 pan and cook for about 20 minutes